Hello from Boston!We left Owatonna at 330 this morning. Our trip truly started when Noah realized he forgot his wallet in Felicia's car. He then proceeded to sprint in hopes she hadn't driven too far. Looks like Noah had finished his cardio for the day. 
Upon arriving in Boston, our leader for the week, Roy, welcomed us to the great state of Massachusetts and headed to Wendy's for lunch. This would be the only down time of our day. Roy gave us a tour of everything all in 3 hours time. 
TourWe made our way to different landmarks in the city like an architecture of the economy in the town we are serving at which is not Boston. It's called Lynn. A town of an estimated 120,000 people. This town is known for attracting immigrants in America's late 1800's who were looking for employment. The shoemaking business thrived in Lynn. More importantly, Roy taught us about the culture here. This city is not what any of us expected it to be. You forget you are in America after seeing how close the houses are, the poverty, and hopelessness on people's faces. 
We can now see how we can be useful here: bring hope and love to these people. Our primary focus is to be practical in our evangelism. Meaning we are to get to know people by listening to them and understanding who they are.
On our tour, Roy had us pray over the people, businesses, and observations we could make driving through Lynn. He drove us through a cemetery and began to ask us 'What legacy are you going to leave?' He brought us to this cliff where we could oversee the town. There we found out people who come to that same place cast spells and curse the town. I just felt this heaviness come over me and I was so saddened for how dark this town has become. 
Please be praying for the people in Lynn to have hearts to receive what our ministries are offering: hope. Pray for God to send revival. Pray for our attitudes to be kind and that of a servant. Thank you for reading these blogs. More to come tomorrow!
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