Season 1 Hiring Episode 03

Release Date:  August 26, 2020

Description: We've passed the application process -- now what? In this episode, Sean explains what questions would be best to get meaningful answers out of applicants. Given the current global situation, interviews are conducted differently, but that doesn't mean you should let your guard down! Sean provides guidance on how to navigate through this new norm of virtual interviews and how you can use this new environment to your advantage. Sean and Jason go into detail of how to properly answer common questions, how to conduct yourself in and out of the interview room, dress codes, and much more to ensure both parties are getting the most out of the interview process. Interviews can be nerve-wracking; this episode breaks down each step of the way to alleviate any anxiety and demystify any misconceptions. This is an episode you really don't want to miss! For more information about the Hiring Guide, please visit

Guide Outline:

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SEO Keywords: Hiring, Interview Format, Zoom Interviews, Interview Questions, Presentations, Portfolio,  Intelligence Analysis, Crime Analysis

Podcast Writer:  Mindy Duong

Theme Song:  Written and Recorded by The Rough & Tumble.  Find more of their music at

Logo:  Designed by Kyle McMullen.  Please visit for any printable business forms and planners. 

Podcast Email: [email protected]

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