Episode 00041

Release Date: February 8, 2021

Description: What is it like being a sworn police officer and a crime analyst? And how do you balance both roles seamlessly in addition to being a board member on multiple professional associations? In this episode, we interview Sergeant Eric Drifmeyer as he explains how he went from a patrol officer to a crime analyst to a sergeant with the Barnstable Police Department. Eric goes into detail about the training he did and the resources he gathered to prepare himself for the new role of a crime analyst after being a patrol officer for 15 years. The Massachusetts Association of Crime Analysts (MACA) and IACA being two of his biggest resources, leading him to become a board member for both as he progressed through his years as a crime analyst. Eric gives us an insight into the behind-the-scenes inner workings of professional association board members and how those experiences, while volunteer-based, help shape who he is now as a leader in his department and the profession. Eric Drifmeyer is currently the sergeant for the community impact unit with the Barnstable Police Department. 

Name Drops: Christopher Bruce, Sally Tarabah, Glen Mills, Noah Fritz, Jim Mallard, Mary Craige, Susan Hammen Whitford, Deb Piehl, Carolyn Cassidy, Tony Berger, Rhea Gherstenkorn 

Public Service Announcements:  ACIA New Horizons Podcast, Carolyn Cassidy

Related Links: https://www.pmc.org/ , https://www.jimmyfund.org/

DDACTS https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/christopher-bruce-the-traditionalist/ , https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/sally-tarabah-%e2%80%93-the-jack-of-all-trades/ 

Podcast Writer: Mindy Duong

Theme Song: Written and Recorded by The Rough & Tumble.  Find more of their music at www.theroughandtumble.com.

Logo: Designed by Kyle McMullen. Please visit www.moderntype.com for any printable business forms and planners. 

Podcast Email: [email protected]

Podcast Webpage: www.leapodcasts.com

YouTube Version: https://youtu.be/e5oy9aD2rZw 

00:00:31 - Introducing Eric 
00:09:32 - Burglary Issue
00:17:29 - Sworn Analyst Have it Easy?
00:19:25 - Badge Story - Using Analysis Skills Against the Opiate Problem
00:38:58 - Break - ACIA New Horizons Podcast, Carolyn Cassidy
00:41:51 - Massachusetts Association of Crime Analysts (MACA)
00:47:52 - IACA Treasurer - Then There Were Two
00:59:18 - IACA Board, Ethics, & Bylaws
01:04:54 - Personal Interest - Cycling
01:08:46 - Words to the World