Episode: 00042

Release Date: February 15, 2021

Description: Utilizing crime prevention strategies and analytical mapping techniques to conduct risk assessments for special events are huge and necessary undertakings. Dr. Giovanni Pisapia did just that in his many years as an analyst in multiple countries, most notably the 2006 Olympics which he shares in this episode. Dr. Pisapia details how he used his knowledge in GIS, analysis of spatial and temporal data, and masterful intelligence sharing and networking to give law enforcement and security personnel crucial information to perform their work seamlessly. Dr. Pisapia offers aspiring analysts and seasoned analysts advice on training and gives thanks to those who have helped him achieve multiple feats in the analytical world. Dr. Pisapia has worked in multiple countries before settling in the USA with his family; in this episode, he shares his experiences in each of those countries, how swimming helps him makes connection wherever he goes, and how he met his wife which ultimately led him to immigrate to the USA where he is currently the Senior Crime Analyst for the Winston-Salem Police Department (NC). 

Bonus: Ever wonder if Olive Garden is good Italian food? Hear what Dr. Pisapia has to say as someone who lived in Italy for many years in this episode! 

Name Drops: Christopher Bruce, Eric Piza, Jessica LeBlanc, Steve Gottlieb, Herman Goldstein, Ron Clark (00:53:36)

Public Service Announcements: ACIA New Horizons Podcast

Related Links: http://www.unicri.it/, Major Sport Events Safety and Security Framework’s Core Elements - http://www.sicurezzaterrorismosocieta.it/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Major-Sport-Events-Safety-and-Security-PISAPIA.pdf
Planning Security Measures for Major Sport Events’ Transport System - http://www.sicurezzaterrorismosocieta.it/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Planning-Security-Measures-Pisapia.pdf
A Case Study Analysis of the Implementation of GIS Technology for Safety and Security Planning during Major Sport Events - http://www.sicurezzaterrorismosocieta.it/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Pisapia_SicTerSoc_book-9.pdf
ITSTIME - www.itstime.it
Mine Crime Italy - https://www.minecrime.it/ 

Contact:  [email protected] 

Podcast Writer: Mindy Duong

Theme Song: Written and Recorded by The Rough & Tumble.  Find more of their music at www.theroughandtumble.com.

Logo: Designed by Kyle McMullen. Please visit www.moderntype.com for any printable business forms and planners. 

Podcast Email: [email protected]

Podcast Webpage: www.leapodcasts.com

Podcast Twitter: @leapodcasts

YouTube Version:  https://youtu.be/z1tqXPKCSf0

00:00:31 - Introducing Giovanni 
00:10:34 - Security & GIS
00:16:19 - World Cup Crime Prevention Strategies
00:20:15 - More People Less Problems
00:21:31 - Commonwealth Games
00:31:55 - Break - New ACIA New Horizons Podcast
00:33:45 - ITSTIME – Italian Team for Security, Terroristic Issues & Managing Emergencies
00:46:56 - Centralized vs Decentralized Police Department
00:52:49 - Law Enforcement Analysis Training
00:57:42 - Personal Interests - Swimming
01:00:53 - Italian Food in US
01:02:51 - Words to the World