I'm totally excited about my first LIVE SHOW on the Pride48.com Gay Network!  This Sunday, June 24th, 2018 at 6:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time.  Pride48.com has the player button that you use to connect to the LIVE Event, and also has a chat icon (just above on the right, it is orange), where you can enter and chat with me LIVE during the hour-long show. The topic will be: Monogamy vs. Open Relationships, as well as anything else the people in the chat room want to ask or discuss!You can also hear the show (but obviously can't come in the chat room) on Tune-In Radio.
PLEASE consider joining me for the LIVE Show, I would love to have a chance to chat with you LIVE.
Also, in this episode, I talk about some LGBT Seniors/Elders On-Line Resources and give a call-to-action to my listeners under the age of 50!
Shout-Outs and a Vintage TV Trivia Question are at the end of the podcast.
Links discussed in the show:StonewallSeniors.com - Advocacy, Education, Healthy Livingsageusa.org - National Resource Center on LGBT Aging7cups.com/lgbtq-chat-room/ - 1-1 chat and chat room