This serious episode is the second half of my series on Depression
that started with the episode 'Depression: Emotional Eating'. Today I
tell you about the serious danger that I was in due to depression after
my parent's deaths. I discuss how my depression first surfaced, plans I
had made to take my own life and treatment that I sought out to deal
with my issues of grief.  But most importantly, I talk about revelations
I had during this process that allowed me to view the world in a
different way, that ultimately has brought me to the better place I am
in these last 20 years or so.

This episode
is my personal experiences and opinions. Do not view this as any kind
of therapy or professional guidance. If you feel you are depressed or if
you ever have suicidal thoughts, please seek out professional help. I
have been able to overcome my grief and relationship issues only through
professional therapy and prescribed medications. This show is only my
personal opinions.