“And I just want everyone to be aware, especially if you're in a divorce situation single mothers single father, someone that doesn't get an opportunity to see their kids as much as they like, Just letting them know that no matter what you're always there, whether it's a phone call away, an opportunity to FaceTime, a text is the easiest, quickest thing. But for them to know that a parent is there for them at any time is such a boost for their confidence in their morale and knowing that even if they're having a tough day, or something that happened, then they can reach out. And you're there without any issues whatsoever is such a big, big win in their little world right now. And they're going to grow older and things are going to happen.”



“CTE is there in the average Joe and the reason why I say this is we all need to be aware of people that have these side effects. When it comes to depression, impulse control problems, aggression, anxiety, suicide ability, Parkinson's, and then eventually dementia and it's all going to come.”



“Being courteous to people on the street, in a restaurant, holding the door for somebody, if you

see somebody going to enter a restaurant or any kind of a shop gas station, let's say and you're a step in front of them, doesn't take much out of your day to step ahead, pull the door and then step aside and let the person walk in front of you”



“Never be ashamed of a scar. It simply means that you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you. We all go through life and none of us are going through life unscathed. And whether it's an emotional scar, internally, a scar that you wear on your chin from taking one too many shots in the face. The scars are there and It shows that you were strong enough to

live through whatever that situation was.”