Star Wars, Mental Health Week, Dressing Dapper - An OBVIOU5 Voice – Episode 36 


Wet Your Whistle Wednesday 

Strathcona Spirits Distillery  

Dreamland Prairie Whiskey 



Star Wars full circle. From the original series to the mandalorian and all the releases from Lucas Arts and Disney.  This is a perfect way to watch your childhood love with your children as Disney made it so much easier. 


Mental Health 

Mental Health Week - let’s start back at the beginning.  

#GetReal about how you feel 

Suicide rate explosion this last year.  




Classy on Top, Casual on the Bottom 

Casual on Top, Classy on the Bottom 

Dad Tip Of The Day 

“Be okay with not knowing for sure what might come next. But know that whatever comes next, you will be okay.” 


Strathcona Spirits Distillery 

@StrathconaSpirits (IG) 

@StratSpirits (Twitter) 

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