Spring Time Is Your Time - An OBVIOU5 Voice - 030 

Wet your whistle Wednesday 

Today we're talking about Eau Claire Distillery. This distillery is out of Turner Valley, and this particular drink that we're going to have today is the Saskatoon Honey Gin.  The nice thing about Eau Claire in Turner Valley is they are extremely community-oriented, they've been around for a very long time. This distillery has been in the family for generations, and they don't just do one thing, this distillery has done so many different products, and their arsenal of drinks that they actually have that you can purchase is amazing so if you ever get a chance or you find it.  

Eau Claire 

Twitter - @EauClaireCraft 

Instagram - @eauclairecraft 


Springtime. Easter is coming, it's getting nicer out the kids, have been rambunctious they've been locked in the home for so long with gross weather. It's time for them to get outside. Help them or get them to help with the yard, let's get them active let's get them moving.  

Mental Health 

Now we're going to talk about you, your mental health. We're going to talk about body, mind, and soul. Spring is here and it's time to start looking after your body again.  It's tough being stuck in the winter hibernating when you're under lockdown. 


Body Confidence. This is all tying into one thing, spring is here so now it's time to start stepping it up. When you're confident in your body and when you're confident how the way you look, you're going to come across as a stronger person. And I don't mean strong as a bully, but I mean more confident. The more that you put into your body, the more confident you're going to be in yourself.  

Dad tip of the day 

“People try to get away from it all, to the country, to the beach to the mountains, which is all idiotic, you can get away from it all, anytime you like. Just by going within.” -Marcus Aurelius 

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