Pay it Forward, Be Kind - An OBVIOU5 Voice Episode 19 



During these Christmas holidays, there are so many people out there right now that are in more need than others. I want to talk to you and everyone out there about how we can pay it forward. It starts with us, and it's how we can help and support our children in understanding the concept of paying it forward. 


Mental Health 

A tweet from Michael Landsberg.  “I can't tell you that you are not alone. Because I've been where you are. And those words are hollow. But I can tell you that your pain is understood your desire to retreat is understood your belief, it will never get better is understood. You are understood. #sicknotweak” 



During these Christmas times seeing the struggles during COVID, during these little lockdowns that were stuck in; the frontline workers whether they be nurses or police officers, whether they be people working at the grocery stores or people that are driving your delivery services, people that are standing at the counter while you're getting gas or getting milk or getting ice. These are the frontline workers that we need to be more aware of. And you being dapper in your own mind and in your approach. 


Dad Tip of the Day 

"When everything seems like an uphill struggle. Just think of the view from the top.” 

Pay it Forward, Be Kind - An OBVIOU5 Voice Episode 19 



During these Christmas holidays, there are so many people out there right now that are in more need than others. I want to talk to you and everyone out there about how we can pay it forward. It starts with us, and it's how we can help and support our children in understanding the concept of paying it forward. 


Mental Health 

A tweet from Michael Landsberg.  “I can't tell you that you are not alone. Because I've been where you are. And those words are hollow. But I can tell you that your pain is understood your desire to retreat is understood your belief, it will never get better is understood. You are understood. #sicknotweak” 



During these Christmas times seeing the struggles during COVID, during these little lockdowns that were stuck in; the frontline workers whether they be nurses or police officers, whether they be people working at the grocery stores or people that are driving your delivery services, people that are standing at the counter while you're getting gas or getting milk or getting ice. These are the frontline workers that we need to be more aware of. And you being dapper in your own mind and in your approach. 


Dad Tip of the Day 

"When everything seems like an uphill struggle. Just think of the view from the top.”