Movember is here, Teens and PreTeens, Dapper in Public

An OBVIOU5 Voice - Episode 49 

Captain OBVIOU5 


Sunday Funday  

Snake Lake Brewing 

This Sunday, Snake Lake Brewing is out of Sylvan Lake. This is an amazing little brewery. I've been using these guys at the restaurant for the longest time without ever meeting them. The Kinibik Pilsner is amazing the Sidewinder IPA is spectacular, but they just dropped off a couple few little tasters for me. We have the Vanilla Coffee Stout and this one here, Berries and Cream Wheat ale. This is a very good beer... 


Imagine yourself with a 17-year-old teenager four months away from graduating high school and moving on with her life to becoming an adult. Then you have an 11-year-old who's four months away from leaving elementary school going into junior high. So you've got your preteens and you've got your teens and the emotions and everything is just so extreme right now. Be careful how you talk with talk to and understand how you deal with your kids... 

Mental Health 

Ladies and gentlemen, it's Movember. And as you know, if you've listened in the past, if you've seen any of my posts on social media, I have been an advocate for mental health for many years. I am now an 18-year Movember participant, bringing awareness to men's health, changing the face of men's health. Bringing up the conversation of men's health, whether we're talking about testicular cancer or prostate cancer, or mental health, which is such a big thing right now... 


I want to talk about a little thing that I saw going on at the restaurant that I work in. It's been a long time since many people have been in a social gathering with alcohol, a social gathering with people they don't know. You may have had your garage beers or your patio drinks or whatever kind of occasion that you've brought together within your own circle of influence. However, going out to an establishment, bumping into people that you don't know we need to remember how to be socially aware of other people.  

Dad Tip of the Day 

"You don't have to do anything perfectly. You just have to try”