Being a mom to three little boys, I could have inherited this notion of delivering on a perfect Christmas experience – from the hot cocoa and the annual outing to seeing the best neighborhood Christmas decorations. Then I realized that perfection was the worst possible ambition I could ever have in my own life. 

No matter how hard you try to deliver perfection, there would always be an imperfect Christmas table setting for someone seated at the table, or an imperfect Christmas Eve menu for someone who disliked my brown rice, Latin-dish alternatives. And there’s always going to be an imperfect Christmas party outfit for a party guest.

There's always been a difference in how we define the perfect Christmas. Yet, we have this notion of striving for perfection when we know there's no one universal definition for perfection. So much time and effort go into ensuring that our kids have the perfect Christmas, maybe it's a Christmas that we never had. This idea of perfection that we show our kids is stressing out a lot of moms that it has become a huge limitation for us. 

Now, what if you just focused on doing the best you could, instead of striving for a perfect Christmas? My intention for this week's episode is to invite you to let go of any need to deliver a perfect Christmas and just do the best you can. We're also going to talk about how that might even be the key to being present with your family. This alternative way of thinking can help you approach 2022 with a greater sense of joy and excitement.

Share this episode with someone who has always been striving for perfection, not only during Christmas but even in everything. 2022 is the time for every one of us to be happy. Imagine how happy a kid is on Christmas when they open up their presents. That's the kind of happiness you deserve!


Best: The thought that you’re doing the best can feel or seem trivial, but I've seen some moms and dads try to give more than they could and they ended up broken. They were trying to be perfect, and they can't afford to cut themselves some slack.

Adulting: Sometimes, forcing ourselves to think as an adult should think can be a great source of frustration and even pain. Striving for perfection is an adult's way of thinking. 

Innocence: Kids don't start out seeking to be perfect. Kids just do. Kids just are. And kids just do the best they can. Kids don't care about the perfect gift or if they wear an uncoordinated Christmas outfit. We were once kids, and some of us are still kids at heart.

Be Child-Like: What if we could feel good about this Christmas season like a kid, not as an adult? Do the best you can and be present rather than focus on getting the perfect presents. Just do the best you can and laugh more!

Love: Let go of any guilt for being yourself and take this opportunity to love yourself with all of your might. Let go of this adult desire to have a perfect Christmas and do the best you could and relish in every single second of this holiday season.

Perfection: Perfection is the ultimate distraction from what matters. Perfection is one way we have been conditioned to think as adults in this society. And it's ruining so many areas of our lives. And there's a better way to approach this Christmas season and 2022.

Limitations: Striving for perfection is just one of the myriad of limiting beliefs that come with being an adult. You need to know the limitations of thinking like an adult if you want to approach 2022 with a fresh set of eyes.

Hindrance: Thinking like an adult can get in the way of you being present, especially during the holidays. Thinking like an adult can get in the way of loving ourselves or seeing ourselves in a more loving way.

Listen: The kid you once were is still inside of you and you have to listen. You have the right to have hopes and dreams and you've got a shot as long as you're breathing.

Planning: It's important to go into your 2022 life planning with your eyes open. It's important to be aware of the limitations, challenges, and drawbacks of thinking as you've always thought. But thinking like an adult is no longer enough.

Join the Free Masterclass!

Enter 2022 with a hopeful, optimistic, and fresh perspective. Show up to this free one-hour masterclass where we will uncover the five limitations of adult thinking that are kept secret. After a decade of coaching wildly successful adults and interviewing icons on my podcast, I have realized key differences between those who do and those who dream. 

Join me in this free masterclass on January 4th at 8 pm EST to uncover the 5 adult thinking patterns that no one else is talking about. The only way to circumvent them is to know what they are so that you can experience a different kind of year – one filled with boundless energy, fun, and fulfillment. 

Your time is now and this is the perfect way to pre-plan your 2022 goals and resolutions with a greater sense of awareness of the changes that might need to take shape so that you can actually produce the results you've always fantasized about. 

Save your spot and show up for that inner child in you who just wants to giggle and make cool stuff. Sign up today at


What: A Free 1-hour masterclass with High-Performance Coach and Resident Kid At Heart Melissa Llarena

When: Starts LIVE January 4th at 8 pm EST, replays available for one week after please save your seat to ensure access.

Where: The class will take place online in an exclusive FB group – you can tune in from wherever you choose to.

About Melissa Llarena

Melissa brings a makerspace mindset that is laser-focused on creatively making space for courage for those with a big message to share with the world. A makerspace is a collaborative workspace with very different tools meant for making things fueled by active imaginations. In a makerspace, the goal is to inspire new creations. In Melissa’s program called Courage Makerspace ™ we are making space for courage in your daily life so that you can become an incredible thought leader who has the courage to connect, communicate, and create something incredible that will have an impact on the world. 

What makes Courage Makerspace™ different is that it uniquely brings an interdisciplinary and creative approach to high-performance coaching. This online program is based on psychological principles, the art of storytelling, and incorporates proprietary experiential tools that harness the power of our imagination. Melissa has infused proven strategies and insights that have empowered clients around the world.  Her background includes a psychology degree from NYU, an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, and she holds a Transformational Coaching Academy certificate based on Tony Robbins principles and Landmark Education insights. She is a native New Yorker who has lived/worked in Paris as well as London, and courageously relocated to Sydney, Australia with her family.

Want to be a COURAGEOUS thought leader who is fulfilling their life purpose?

If you intend to become a thought leader and have the courage to accomplish your life purpose faster than you've imagined possible, book an appointment with me in the next 24 hours. We’re going to assess where you are on this confidence journey, then we’re going to put our heads together and come up with a step-by-step game plan to define how you can rebuild your courage when you need it. Book this free session by going to

Want to continue the conversation?

Find me on Instagram! You can read my daily mini-blogs centered on the same three topics that my podcast features: creativity, courage, and curiosity. I believe that without all three it would be impossible to solve the challenges we were each uniquely made to solve. Wouldn’t you agree? I’m easy to find on Instagram @melissallarena

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