Just because you have comfy sofas does not mean that you have to sit down. You could still stand up for your goals and your ambitions and treat this December just as you would next January – with enthusiasm, optimism, and a deep desire to continue to evolve.

It's almost the end of 2021 and I want to be sure that you do everything in your power to end this year with a bang! In this episode, I've decided to share with you some key ideas or ways to evaluate what you can do or should be doing during these final weeks of the year. And so, I want to share with you three key ideas that I think are going to help you rethink how to approach the end of this year while keeping in mind what you want to accomplish in 2022.

I'm also sharing the approach that has helped me become successful, something that requires consistent movement, either at a turtle pace or as quickly as a hare. You will also hear this concept pertaining to celebrating your wins and pulling forth the person you have become. You will also have a good sense of what a Q&A session sounds like if you decide to join me as a Patreon podcast supporter for only $1-$10 per month. 

During this week's Q&A, the listeners wanted to understand how to make their own networking magic and how to ultimately bring in more people so they could end their year with a bang. It's meant for podcast listeners who might want to start their own podcasts. Or they may have questions pertaining to how to network with someone they don't know, and even people that they've known and haven't spoken to in a decade. I know that's quite common. 

This year has not yet ended, you're still in the game! And I have full faith that you can still move in the direction of your biggest ambitions. So hear out these very specific insights that you can implement before the year ends. 


The turtle vs. the hare: Both animals approach things differently – one in a consistent slow motion, the other in a rapid pace. Think through what you want to accomplish at the end of the year and how you can set yourself up for success. 

Persistence: It's not so much about how you get to the end goal, but about how you persist, stay the course, and eventually get to that end goal. 

Success: Contemplate your biggest wins. Your wins can be small, like cooking a meal for yourself every day or meditating. What are these things that you can bring with you into 2022? Think about who you wish to become by the end of 2022.

Potential: When you make that decision to become a different version of yourself, acknowledge that you have more potential to unleash. It’s an effort to build your capability; in other words, a Pokemon evolution moment. 

Commitment: Get clear on how committed you are to this next evolution of yourself. Identify the behaviors required of you and what it takes for them to be non-negotiable.

Now: When you think about what you want to accomplish at the end of 2022, the decision to commit begins RIGHT NOW. It begins before those holiday parties. This way, you could truly end this year with a bang!

Choice: Use December as your time to make additional leaps towards your goal. This year has not ended. Even if you feel like with the barrage of holiday parties, your diet has ended. You get to choose whether things have ended or not, and how the rest of December will play out. 

Pace: You get to choose how you're going to run your personal race, whether at a turtle’s pace or a hare’s pace. Either way, you have to stay the course – and that’s the most important piece!

Imagination: A lot of us have missed out on and outgrown our sense of imagination, our childlike wonder, and the expectation of magic in our lives. The highly successful people have that childlike sense of imagination, optimism, and they look at the world in a very different way.

Trust: A lot of times, we end up outsourcing our trust to other people. Many people with great ideas who don't trust themselves end up never having their ideas get off the ground. They don't take the steps because they don't trust themselves enough to know what to do if something blows up in their face.

Faith: Trust in your abilities to identify the moments where you can add value and that moment will be made available to you. 

Networking: There is a shared human experience that you can always talk about. The important piece here is authenticity. 

Grace: Contemplate, evaluate and look at what you have done in 2021, and not feel shame, disappointment or anger, or annoyance. Give yourself some credit for what you have done and grace for whatever you have yet to do. 

About Melissa Llarena

Melissa brings a makerspace mindset that is laser-focused on creatively making space for courage for those with a big message to share with the world. A makerspace is a collaborative workspace with very different tools meant for making things fueled by active imaginations. In a makerspace, the goal is to inspire new creations. In Melissa’s program called Courage Makerspace ™ we are making space for courage in your daily life so that you can become an incredible thought leader who has the courage to connect, communicate, and create something incredible that will have an impact on the world. 

What makes Courage Makerspace™ different is that it uniquely brings an interdisciplinary and creative approach to high-performance coaching. This online program is based on psychological principles, the art of storytelling, and incorporates proprietary experiential tools that harness the power of our imagination. Melissa has infused proven strategies and insights that have empowered clients around the world.  Her background includes a psychology degree from NYU, an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, and she holds a Transformational Coaching Academy certificate based on Tony Robbins principles and Landmark Education insights. She is a native New Yorker who has lived/worked in Paris as well as London, and courageously relocated to Sydney, Australia with her family.

Want to be a COURAGEOUS thought leader who is fulfilling their life purpose?

If you intend to become a thought leader and have the courage to accomplish your life purpose faster than you've imagined possible, book an appointment with me in the next 24 hours. We’re going to assess where you are on this confidence journey, then we’re going to put our heads together and come up with a step-by-step game plan to define how you can rebuild your courage when you need it. Book this free session by going to http://www.melissallarena.com/sessions.

Want to continue the conversation?

Find me on Instagram! You can read my daily mini-blogs centered on the same three topics that my podcast features: creativity, courage, and curiosity. I believe that without all three it would be impossible to solve the challenges we were each uniquely made to solve. Wouldn’t you agree? I’m easy to find on Instagram @melissallarena

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