Ever had a midnight snack interrupted by unexpected guests? In today's episode, I share the uproarious tale of my encounter with a pair of amorous cockroaches during one such late-night kitchen escapade. Yes, you heard it right, cockroaches in the act.

Join me as I navigate the strange and comical world of nocturnal critters and the chaos they unleashed in my kitchen. Hormones, hunger, and the sheer hilarity of the situation make for a story you won't want to miss.

As a bonus, I've got weight loss updates to share—7 kilos down, but at what cost? Hint: it involves protein of a different kind. So, if you've ever wondered about the challenges of maintaining a healthy lifestyle amidst unexpected critter company, this episode is for you.

From midnight munchies to roach romance, life's absurdities never fail to amuse. Tune in for a good laugh and a reminder that sometimes the best stories come from the most unexpected moments. See you in the next episode!