Ever wondered why it's called "Buddhi Ke Baal"? In today's episode, we take a delightful trip down the sugary memory lane to explore the origins of this sweet treat. Was it a man struck by inspiration while watching his aging mother, or was it just a clever marketing ploy?

Join me as we uncover the interesting history behind the name. Hint: it has nothing to do with the color, and the original hue might surprise you. From "Sweet Cloud" to "Sugar Cotton," we'll delve into the various names this confection has earned across the globe.

Walking through a garden, resisting temptations from a candy floss vendor, and succumbing to the allure of samosas—this episode is a playful reflection on the simple joys of childhood and the occasional indulgences we can't resist.

So, whether it's called Candy Floss, Fairy Floss, or Cotton Candy, the sweetness of memories and the flavors of nostalgia are sure to tickle your taste buds. Join me in this whimsical exploration, and let's find out why some sweets are forever etched in our hearts. See you in the next episode!