This is an episode of the Amplified Initiative, a project of the Organization of American Historians ( and presented by the Oral History Association ( The project aims to broaden the impact of the OAH’s 2018 conference by asking partner organizations to develop material, based on the conference panels, that will be shared with each partner’s specific audience.

This is an edited recording of the panel “Arming Citizens: Public Historians and Civic Engagement.” Public historians are uniquely positioned to effect change in today’s social confusion. Through public programming, exhibitions, and the collecting and making available of the works and words of often marginalized people; we can foster environments of greater understanding-- and societal change. A cross-generational, cross-racial panel discusses ways history professionals should construct history with others.

Participants were: Heather Huyck, the National Collaborative for Women’s History Sites; Noelle Trent, The National Civil Rights Museum; and Erin Devlin, the University of Mary Washington.

You can listen to the full version of this panel, as well as other presentations that didn’t make into the podcast, at