When we are young, we have wild imaginations.  We think about being astronauts, explorers, doctors, policeman.  We dream about the day we will have our driver's license, when we go to college, get married, have kids.  At first, those things seem so very far away...and yet, they seem plausible and possible, hindered only by our drive and determination. 

Now, we must confront the unthinkable.  Those things that even in our wildest imagination we would never have envisioned.  The defunding of local police departments?  Unthinkable.  Armed groups of hard-left Millenials taking over blocks of major cities while a Mayor calls it a block party and the thugs "patriots?"  City Council members who proclaim that calling the police in the middle of the night is a "position of privilege?"

"When the Unthinkable Becomes Reality," we are fortunate to have John keeping a close eye on things from both a worldly and biblical perspective. While we may be amazed at the form that these days are taking, we should not be surprised, as the Lord Himself warned us of such a time before His return. 

Stay strong, Brethren.

John Haller's Prophecy Update: Video

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