John Haller gives this week's prophecy update for June 28, 2020.

-Archeological Findings in Israel

-Jordan's King Hussien (Hashemite Custodianship of Temple Mount)  Jerusalem, Jordan, and the Jews.  Termination of Islamic Custodianship!?

A raid on Iranian-backed groups in Iraq, Houthi rebels in Yemen attacking Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Turkey squaring off in Libya, the aftermath of airstrikes in Syria and Turkey and Iran coordinating attacks on Kurdish militants all served as a backdrop for an unprecedented 24 hours in the Middle East.  (Read More)

Woke Warriors "Intolerance needs to be rejected."

-Facebook pressured to increase already Shadow Banning to more FULL CENSORSHIP
In spite of Facebook and Twitter's obvious bias against conservative content, a number of liberal groups have apparently decided that the social media companies are not doing enough to enforce liberal orthodoxy and have begun a successful campaign to get companies to stop advertising there. (Read Here)

-The Economist The Next Catastrophe The World in 2019 (Cover & Extra Cryptic Messaging?)

-Transgender craze seducing our daughters (Abigail Shrier)

-NASCAR & FBI Investigation into Racist Act? With Bubba Wallace

-Amos37 Now ON PARLER free speech app (Set up and Follow Us)

-Fellowship Bible Chapel (YouTube)

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