It's ain't over 'til the fat lady sings. But if you listen to the mainstream media, Roseanna Barr is belting out a Biden song as well as she did the National Anthem years ago. 

There is both anecdotal evidence as well as developing documentation that strange and statistically impossible things happened with the votes in key battleground states and contrary to the mainstream media's claim, no winner has been declared in this Presidential Election. It will go to the courts, but the question is, will they apply "the law" or simply take a pass? 

Some believe that this is all part of God's plan to reveal the depth and level of corruption that exists in the anti-life, anti-God platform, and that they will be held to account. Others believe that God is allowing this to happen due to our unfaithfulness. Regardless of the outcome, we must be, more than ever before, Jesus in the Flesh to all those we encounter along the way. We must endure, clinging on to our faith in knowing that whatever happens, God is still in control and His plan will be worked to perfection for those who love Him. 

Pray for our nation. Pray for your community. Pray for the World. And now, John shares his update entitled "Un prez i dent ed"

Joe Biden is leading in the US Elections as Voter Fraud is declared.Live Election Fraud caught on tape on CNN at the 57min mark (click here) to see data points leading up to most curious computer manipulation in other races?Fox News goes off the rails and shows it's true colors.Ballot Manipulation & Massive Propaganda.  (Voter information Suppressed)Liberal Pundits look to rolling back to 2015 Paris Accords, Iran Deal, & more.Israel & Gulf States Peace Accord is in peril.Globalists Mock America.Legal Teams assemble to fight allegations of Fraud with Mailin Ballots & Hammer and Scorecard to rig the election.  This will take weeks. Dominion Software used in ballot counting tied to Nancy Pelosi & Democrats.5 States Stop Counting votes at the same time and overnight...ta-dah Biden.Trump Accountability Project.  Remember what the did... (Revenge Tour Planned)And much more.  A very important watch on John's YouTube Here.