While we could say this every week, we are truly living in unprecedented times. We are on the verge of witnessing the complete and utter breakdown of western society in the wake of a contentious election that appears to be rife with massive, coordinated fraud. And while the final outcome is officially "Undecided", we, as followers of Christ, must be steadfast in our faith and belief, knowing that God is weaving an intricate tapestry of events behind the scene that will bring Him glory.

Being "Undecided" is never a good position. Jesus tells us that the lukewarm will be spit out of His mouth. Everyone must decide the essence of the person of Christ, as indecision is just as lethal as rejection.

Thanks for your prayers for John and the entire FBC congregation. The spiritual attacks are ramping up as the world gets ever closer to a final judgment in which there will be no mistake in what is right and wrong and all evil deeds will be exposed. -John Haller YouTube *flagged by youtube for age-restricted content.

This weeks Show Notes with John Haller's Prophecy Update Podcast:

Election Fraud Caught on live TV vote switching

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