The world is filled with naysayers, which is why you have to suit up and prepare yourself for whatever comes your way. It’s time we started to guard our mindsets, and fill our cups with positivity and self-love. In this episode, Elonda draws inspiration from Demi Lovato's song ‘I Love Me’, to tell you why loving yourself should be your number one priority! What are you feeding your mind with? Are you questioning your self-worth? Tune in to learn how to hone and shift your mindset to become the best version of yourself. 



Always boost yourself first.  Catching yourself in a negative mindset (and changing it!) Who do you surround yourself with? Suiting up: protecting your energy and peace.  Ask yourself: Is it serving me or am I serving it?



“The more you set those boundaries, and the more you put yourself in a position of not being disrespected or hurt by the actions of others, I guarantee you, you will notice a difference.”



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