Ever asked yourself if you could have it all? Well, the answer is yes, and all you have to do is simply reach out and grab it. In this episode, Elonda unveils the key to attaining all the things in life that you want and deserve. As she opens up about the moments where she struggled with self-worth, she will open up a pathway for you to get to a space where your faith trumps your fear! Learn how to break the cycle of negative self-worth and let go of everything that is no longer serving you so that you can finally make space for bigger, better things in life. 



What does value mean and how does it apply to you?  What happens when you don’t see your true value. The importance of seeing the value in yourself and in others. Why you need to do a self-audit. How to protect your mind and your worth. How to tell if a situation is no longer serving you. 



“Although you have this purpose, it is still okay for you to trip and sometimes even stumble. But don't stay down too long. Get up right now, dust yourself off, pick up your crown, and resume your regularly scheduled flow of being the boss that you are.”

“When you exude confidence and know your worth, you don't ask for it - you state it. And you never accept anything less than.”

“If you live off of a man's compliments, you will die from his criticism.”



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Interested in Elonda’s Power Hour talks? Email her at [email protected] for more information!

America's Black Momma is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at www.instapodcasts.com