The Wannabes react to a viral clip of a kid getting caught with his pants down. They reminisce about when they first discovered, and then got discovered, spanking the wanking...choking the chicken...slapping the monkey. You get it.

Jerry says he could never be a porn star because the fluffer would get him off, leading to a disagreement about who the fluffer actually is on a porn set.

Christian teaches the guys new words for 2018.

Jesus recently came through in the clutch for Jerry and Christian, but he has no idea what that means, almost sparking an argument.

Jerry's feeling fly with cash to burn on ladies during tax refund season, leading Christian to wonder if Jerry's going to get himself "fixed."

Finally, Jesus tries to explain the legacy of MLK, concluding that without the great Dr. King, there'd be no American Wannabes. So give thanks, pinches.

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American Wannabes is a weekly Latino comedy podcast featuring comics Jerry Garcia, Jesus Sepulveda and Christian Zaragosa.