The guys reunite after breaking up for the holidays! Stay until the end for Jerry's bold predicition about the 2020 election.

Jesus brought ass cream to his family's White Elephant Christmas party, and all hell broke loose. Jerry can relate, and has a theory about why gag gifts destroy families.

The Wannabes reflect on the mysterious Space-X launch – Jesus thought World War 3 was on, while Jerry assumed Mexico was attempting a space program, which he thought was "cute."

On the positive side, Christian's wife got him the Yeezy's he's been longing for, and he has nothing but great things to say about Netflix's technology-horror show Black Mirror.

Finally, the Wannabes make their New Year's Resolutions – 2018 will be the year this podcast goes global!

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American Wannabes is a Latino comedy podcast featuring comics Jerry Garcia, Jesus Sepulveda, and Christian Zaragoza.