Hamody Jasim was 12 years old when he was arrested and tortured in one of Saddam Hussein’s prisons. Hamody enlisted in the Iraq Army while still a teeenager, and was ultimately recruited by the United States Intelligence Community. He went on to become a major asset to that community - and to America-  by eliminating high-level Al-Qaeda and Islamic State operatives, and terrorist organizations. 

Hamody was hunted and tracked by Al Qaeda until he was forced to flee to America in order to save his own life. He remains in touch with his contacts in the Intelligence community, and stays up to date on recurring and emerging threats to the country he gave so much in service of. He is an author and speaker, and produced a documentary detailing his experiences and insight. 

We interviewed Hamody back in Episode #21. Since our community has grown and our country has taken such drastic turns, we are bringing him back to apply his extensive knowledge to current events, and share his insight on all of it. 

In this episode of American Snippets Hamody Jasim offers a recap of his life in Iraq and addresses specific issues pertaining to our country’s climate, direction, and national security.

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