The events in Washington DC stunned our nation. While the media was quick to offer its version of events, the people who were there found it difficult to do so; our attempts to live stream were thwarted by an overwhelmed system combined with suppression of services.

For hours, the only reports available were what the mainstream media presented. Much of what was reported was true. Much was not.

It is important for every American to investigate multiple sources of information and make your own determination of what happened based on different viewpoints and reporting.

In this episode of American Snippets, Co-Host Barb Allen sits down with her friends from their DC hotel room, the morning after the protest. They share their firsthand accounts of what happened in the streets and at the Capitol. They limit this strictly to what they saw themselves.

Some of the areas discussed include:

Crowd SizeCrowd energyWhat it was like to be at the Washington monument during the rallyWhat happened outside the Department of JusticeWhat happened outside the Capitol Building

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