In 2016 Jason was joined by Harry Dent, from Dent Research, to discuss the tax benefits you can get from moving to a US territory like Puerto Rico, some cyclical markets that are out of control, demographic problems around the world, inflation, and foreign investors in US real estate.

Key Takeaways:

[1:05] Harry's new home in Puerto Rico, and the tax benefits he can receive

[5:03] Vancouver real estate is out of control

[10:16] Japan's biggest problem is a demographic problem

[14:06] Previously Harry had predicted a drop in gold which hasn't happened, does he still believe it's going to go down or was he wrong?

[18:46] In a deflationary environment the only chance you have to make money is in yield, which can be found in linear markets with cash flowing properties

[24:07] Most foreign real estate investors are legally laundering their money out of their country
