Jason Hartman talks with Kare Anderson about the nuances of human communication. Kare is an Emmy award winning journalist, reporting for such outlets as NBC, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and the Huffington Post.

Kare's TED Talk on becoming an opportunity makers has over a million views, she's a co-founder of 9 PACs, and author of such books as Mutuality Matters and Moving From Me to We. She's considered an expert on connective behavior.

Key Takeaways:

[2:32] What does connective behavior mean?

[4:49] Simple ways for people to connect include getting specific sooner, showing warmth before competence, sitting sidle and walking.

[7:33] Create a bigger pie when someone is attacking you.

[8:49] Don't let other people determine your behavior, plan your own course first

[9:27] A connective leader has the most clout.

[12:05] Look for something you like about someone and keep it in mind every time you see that person.

[16:28] How do journalists like Kare Anderson get people to open up and provide a fuller, richer story during an interview?

[19:50] How did the Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner and Diane Sawyer handle their roles during the interview?

[25:44] To have a meaningful and accomplished life means being grounded and truly listening to other people.



“Getting specific sooner means giving the important details first.”