Paul Vigna is a markets reporter for The Wall Street Journal, covering equities and the economy. He writes for the MoneyBeat blog and hosts a daily news show of the same name.

Michael J. Casey writes for The Wall Street Journal, covering global finance in his “Horizons” column. He is a frequent contributor to the Journal’s MoneyBeat blog and co-authors the daily “BitBeat” with Paul Vigna. He is the host of the book-themed video series “WSJ Afterword” and a frequent guest on and host of “The News Hub” and “MoneyBeat.”

Paul and Michael are co-authors of the new book "The Age of Cryptocurrency".

Key Takeaways:

[1:12] How Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are challenging the world order

[3:14] How money not backed by a government is possible

[5:17] Anyone can make a cryptocurrency, including governments

[6:58] How you can set up your own cryptocurrency

[9:30] The issue of concentration of ownership in Bitcoin and how it can be made more democratic

[12:16] If governments will use regulation to end cryptocurrency but how it would be pretty hard to do

[15:52] Decentralized exchanges and the Block Chain can be used for things such as copyrights, and how the Block Chain makes your claim irrefutable, and how you can do it

[18:58] Don't think of this as a currency, but rather an exchange of information

[22:16] What, if anything, the average person should be doing with cryptocurrency right now

[22:58] Different potential ways to invest in cryptocurrencies

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