Clark Blackman started out in tax, moved into financial planning, and eventually honed his expertise in investment advice. He was very likely the first CPA who had a client pay their fees based on assets under management rather than hourly or retainer fees. His experience in large CPA firms paved the way to finally open his own wealth management firm in 2006 where he now works alongside his wife and son. In this episode of the PFP Section podcast, Lyle Benson, CPA/PFS, interviews Clark to learn more about his journey and nuggets of wisdom. Clark answers the following questions:

How did you create the successful wealth management firm you have today? Why do you believe the AUM model is the best for your clients? What makes CPAs so well qualified to provide these services? What is most rewarding about your work with clients and how do you structure your day to have as much time for clients as possible? How has volunteering for the AICPA PFP Division enhanced your life and what do you recommend to others who want to have a good volunteer experience? What does the future of the CPA financial planning profession hold and what should we be worried about down the road?

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Listen to other episodes in this series.  Read the beautifully and simply written AICPA Statement on Standards in Personal Financial Planning Services. These standards came to life under Clark’s leadership as chair of the AICPA PFP Executive Committee. They lay out a framework for CPAs to provide financial planning advice in the highest professional manner. 

This episode is brought to you by the AICPA’s Personal Financial Planning Section, the premier provider of information, tools, advocacy, and guidance for professionals who specialize in providing tax, estate, retirement, risk management and investment planning advice. Also, by the CPA/PFS credential program, which allows CPAs to demonstrate competence and confidence in providing these services to their clients. Visit us online to join our community, gain access to valuable member-only benefits or learn about our PFP certificate program.

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