In this interview, Cory Warfield, a tech entrepreneur, discusses his journey and insights on various topics. He started his career in the restaurant industry, working as a waiter and bartender, but eventually got burnt out and decided to start a technology company. Despite having no prior knowledge in the tech field, he recognized the potential for using data to improve scheduling for restaurant employees and successfully launched his own company. He then went on to mentor other entrepreneurs and co-founded a Launchpad for web three companies focused on carbon neutrality.

Cory also shares his thoughts on the metaverse and its potential to transcend space and time. He believes that as technology advances, it will be possible to recreate past experiences and interact with virtual versions of deceased loved ones. He emphasizes the importance of ensuring AI-generated content is verifiable and suggests minting it on a blockchain to maintain a source of truth.

When asked about the future of AI, Cory expresses both excitement and concern. While he acknowledges the impressive advancements in AI capabilities, he emphasizes the need for caution and suggests that AI-generated content should be tracked to maintain accountability and transparency.

In terms of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs, Cory encourages taking the first step and starting, as many barriers to entry have been removed in the current tech landscape. He suggests leveraging AI tools and resources that are readily available to develop ideas and build products without the need for extensive coding knowledge. He also emphasizes the importance of focusing on revenue generation before seeking investment, as having traction and revenue makes a company more attractive to potential investors.

Cory's approach to building communities and personal brands revolves around active listening and cultivating meaningful connections. He advises individuals to engage with communities genuinely and seek opportunities for collaboration and cross-pollination. Finally, when reflecting on his journey, Cory advises his younger self and others to prioritize love, emphasizing the importance of cultivating loving relationships and focusing on personal well-being alongside entrepreneurship.