Show 985 Full Documentary Generation Zero

ABOUT THE FILM-  The current economic crisis is not a failure of capitalism, but a failure of culture. Generation Zero explores the cultural roots of the global financial meltdown - beginning with the narcissism of the 1960's, spreading like a virus through the self-indulgent 90's, and exploding across the world in the present economic cataclysm.

Generation Zero goes beneath the shallow media headlines and talking head sound bites to get to the source of today's economic nightmare. With a cutting edge style and haunting imagery, this must see documentary will change everything you thought you knew about Wall Street and Washington.

Featuring experts, authors, and pundits from across the political spectrum, Generation Zero exposes the little told story of how the mindset of the baby boomers sowed the seeds of economic disaster that will be reaped by coming generations.


To watch the free full length documentary visit:


Books that have influenced Paul and which he recommends to his readers include 48 titles, such as The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The Creature from Jekyll Island, The Road to Serfdom, Economics in One Lesson, Human Action, Doctor Zhivago, Atlas Shrugged, and Democracy in America, as well as titles from Thomas DiLorenzo, Thomas Fleming, Chalmers Johnson, Rose Wilder Lane, Andrew Napolitano, Robert Pape, Lew Rockwell, Michael Scheuer, Murray Rothbard, and Hans Sennholz.



Conservative Film Trailers




33 Minutes: Protecting America in the New Missile Age



I Want Your Money


AGENDA - Grinding America Down 


COOL IT - Official Movie Trailer. Very informative. It’s a good use of 2 minutes.


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