Show 984 Bill Bennets book  Is College Worth It?

Show Dennis Prager talks to Bill Bennett, friend and fellow talk show host. His new book is

Is College Worth It?: A Former United States Secretary of Education and a Liberal Arts Graduate Expose the Broken Promise of Higher Education…

Overview of the book-

Explores the answer to a critical question: Should we keep

sending our kids to college?

The American system of higher education comprises some ofthe best universities, teachers, and students the world has ever seen. Millions of students around the globe want nothing more in their life than to attend an

American university. However, many of America’s colleges and universities today have serious academic, institutional, and other performance problems, and it is quickly approaching a crisis point, if it’s not there already. Despite some excellent colleges and quality programs at many colleges, too much of higher education is wildly expensive. Students often graduate having learned little, or don’t graduate at all. They are indoctrinated with liberal politics and subjected to all types of non-academic distractions. For these reasons, many students would be better served exploring other educational alternatives.

In Is College Worth It?, William J. Bennett and David

Wilezol assess the problems of American higher education at various levels, from runaway costs to inferior academics to poor graduation rates to political indoctrination, and propose serious reforms and alternative methods for improving higher education so that it better serves our students.

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