Why do we need a billionaire’s tax?


Frank Clemente is Executive Director at Americans For Tax Fairness.

Frank Clemente

A Billionaire’s Tax could fund many policy objectives, including universal preschool, paid family leave, expanded Medicare services, making increased child tax credits permanent, and new policies to address climate change. 

Jim Hightower


Alert: Kartoonus Americanus Is Going Extinct!


Right before our eyes, an invaluable American species is fast disappearing from view. Kar-toon-us A-mer-i-kan-as.


These are the newspaper cartoonists who’ve long delighted readers and infuriated power elites. And there’s nothing natural about their sudden decline – it’s not the result of a declining talent pool, and certainly not due to a lack of political targets. Rather, what’s happening is that their media habitat is being intentionally destroyed.

Michael Steele

A Deep Rot Inside the GOP Leadership.


Michael Steele was the Republican Lt. Governor of Maryland and the Chairman of The Republican National Committee from 2009 to 2011. He is an MSNBC commentator and an advisor to the never-Trump Lincoln Project. He's not even sure "saving" the Republican Party is a good idea.


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