Building infrastructure that is just and sustainable. Bill Press on flight attendants facing airline violence.


Kevin DeGood on the impact infrastructure projects can have on the goals of opportunity, equity, and sustainability. Plus Bill Press with Sara Nelson, President of the Association of Flight Attendants.

Kevin DeGood 

Kevin DeGood says the recently passed infrastructure bill is a powerful investment in jobs for American workers.  But the work is not over. It’s now up to us to make sure those investments advance inclusive economic growth and national climate goals.  

Sara Nelson

Bill Press talks with Sara Nelson, President of the Association of Flight Attendants. If you'd like to hear the entire episode, visit 

Jim Hightower

Making Work Work for Workers

As a writer, I get stuck every so often straining for the right words to tell my story. Over the years, though, I’ve learned when to quit tying myself into mental knots over sentence construction, instead of stepping back and rethinking where my story is going.


This process is essentially what millions of American working families are going through this year as record numbers of them are shocking bosses, politicians, and economists by stepping back and declaring: “We quit!”