The origins and legacy of the New Deal


Terry Golway tells us how the Irish political machine known as Tammany Hall became the forerunner of the New Deal. Historian Harvey Kaye reminds us of FDR’s Four Freedoms speech and the legacy that remains unfulfilled. 

Terry Golway

Tammany Hall no longer exists, but when it did, the New York political machine created a social safety net at the neighborhood level long before government programs came along. Author Terry Golway thinks we still need strong political organizations like that.

Harvey Kaye

New Deal historian Harvey Kaye says President Reagan turned FDR upside down and inside out and progressives have to reclaim his legacy.

Jim Hightower

Shhh, The Governor Is Listening


Although we haven’t even gotten through this year’s midterm congressional elections, it’s still not too early to start examining some of the characters who hope you’ll make them president in 2024.


I know, you don’t want to… but we must. That’s because corporate elites have already chosen their favorites, and they intend to use massive sums of money, lies, more money, PR slickum, and even more money to slide their toady into the Oval Office.

Bill Press

The Big Truth vs. The Big Lie with Major Garrett


The Big Truth: Upholding Democracy in the Age of “The Big Lie,”is the new book by Major Garret, chief Washington correspondent for CBS News.  His co-author is David Becker,  the Executive Director and Founder of the nonpartisan, non-profit Center for Election Innovation & Research, working with election officials of both parties, all around the country, to ensure accessible, secure elections for all eligible voters. 


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