Confronting the threat of right-wing extremism.


Alexandra Minna Stern on the changing face of America’s far right. Michael Koncewicz on why Trump’s impeachment was a different kind of challenge for Republicans than Nixon’s. Plus Metropolitan Police officer Michael Fanone tells Bill Press why He is speaking out against political violence and those who foment it.

Alexandra Minna Stern

Alexandra Minna Stern’s research takes her deep into the dark matter of America’s far right. She says it’s a movement in transition, and an ever growing threat to our democracy.

Michael Koncewicz

Michael Koncewicz’s most recent book on Republicans who defied Richard Nixon carries new relevance to the present day with Trump’s impeachment. Koncewicz says what makes today different is a greater fear among Republicans that challenging this President will be at their political expense.

Jim Hightower

How Money is Suffocating American Democracy


America exists today as a bizarre anomaly – we profess to be an electoral democracy, yet we are ruled by a governmental plutocracy.


One especially gross example of this incongruity is the overwhelming power of big money over the people’s will. By a wide margin, Americans of all political stripes want to ban the distorting force of huge, electoral campaign donations by favor-seeking corporations and ultra-rich elites.

Bill Press

One Cop's Battle for America's Soul with Michael Fanone.


Before January 6th 2021, Metropolitan Police officer Michael Fanone was a self-described redneck who had voted for Donald Trump. On January 6th, he was dragged down the Capitol steps, beaten with a Blue Lives Matter flag, tased and tear-gassed. Rioters had threatened to shoot him, but he pleaded for his life telling them he had children. That day changed his life forever. Now retired from the DC Police, , Fanone has written Hold the Line: The Insurrection and One Cop's Battle for America's Soul with John Shiffman. He is also speaking out against political violence and those who foment it.


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