The complicated relationship between Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and LBJ


Two historians of the civil rights movement assess the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Julian Zelizer

Julian Zelizer is a Princeton scholar of Lyndon Johnson as well as the civil rights movement. He says civil rights activism is no longer as organized or coherent as it was when it sought, and won, passage of the Voting Rights Act.

David Chappell

Historian David Chappell explains the post-Martin Luther King Jr. trajectory of the civil rights movement, which he says may have been only a historical artifact with King as the central figure.

Jim Hightower

The Inflation Blame Game


Today, CEOs of big corporations are playing the tricky “Inflation Blame Game!” Publicly, they moan that the pandemic is slamming their poor corporations with factory shutdowns, supply chain delays, wage hikes, and other increased costs. But wait – inside their board rooms, executives are high-fiving each other and pocketing bonuses. What’s going on?


The trick is that these giants are in non-competitive markets operating as monopolies, so they can set prices, mug you and me, and scamper away with record profits.

Bill Press

"A Presidency Totally Out of Control."


Peter Baker, The New York Times Chief White House Correspondent and Susan Glasser, a Staff Writer for The New Yorker have created a masterpiece of journalism in their new book, The Divider: Trump in the White House, 2017-2021. It paints a presidency that was totally out of control, far worse than any we've ever experienced. 


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