Can unions save democracy?  


Author and organizer Jane McAlevey on her new book,  A Collective Bargain: Unions, Organizing, and the Fight for Democracy.  Plus, the millionaires who want to pay more taxes, not less.   

Jane McAlevey Pt. 1

At a time when workers are under attack at historic levels, strikes are making a comeback. In that, Jane McAlevey sees an opportunity to reset power and politics in America, and clear a path to progressive change. 


Jane McAlevey Pt. 2

Jane McAlevey about her powerful new book, A Collective Bargain: Unions, Organizing, and the Fight for Democracy. She makes the case that unions are central to challenging the corporate class and restoring democracy in America. But what about the millions of workers who don’t have a union?  For Jane McAlevey, that translates into even more opportunities to build the power of organized labor.


Jim Hightower

My Newspaper Died


My newspaper died.


Well, technically it still appears, but it has no life, no news, and barely a pulse. It’s a mere semblance of a real paper, one of the hundreds of local journalism zombies staggering along in cities and towns that had long relied on them. Each one has a bare number of subscribers keeping it going, mostly longtime readers like me clinging to a memory of what used to be and a flickering hope that, surely, the thing won’t get worse. Then it does.

Bill Press

"A Presidency Totally Out of Control."


Peter Baker, The New York Times Chief White House Correspondent and Susan Glasser, a Staff Writer for The New Yorker have created a masterpiece of journalism in their new book, The Divider: Trump in the White House, 2017-2021. It paints a presidency that was totally out of control, far worse than any we've ever experienced. 


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