Altman says Social Security should be expanded, Skillen reflects on faith and politics, and Forbath talks about the liberal foundations of Constitutional originalism.


Social Security expert Nancy Altman argues that the program is not only solvent but ought to be expanded. In this holiday season, religious philosopher James Skillen reflects on the connection between faith and politics in America. And law professor William Forbath says the Constitution is not only a legal charter but a political AND economic document, as well.


Nancy Altman

Nancy Altman is an expert on Social Security, and she argues in a new book that not only is the system solvent, it can and should be expanded.


James Skillen

Not many people these days have a high opinion of politics, but religious philosopher James Skillen says there is a strong link in American history between faith and the higher principles of governing.


William Forbath

When we think of constitutional “originalism,” we tend to think of the Scalia wing of the Supreme Court. But law professor William Forbath tells us that the first originalists were liberals.


Jim Hightower

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