Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake on police-community relations… Fred Rotondaro on Democrats needing a new brand … and Bill Press with Congressman Charlie Rangel.


Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake talks about bridging the gap between police and minority communities. Commentator Fred Rotondaro says Democrats need to create a brand … one that contrasts with the Republicans. And Bill Press talks with Congressman Charlie Rangel and the Washington Post’s  Clinton Yates about the Eric Garner case.


Stephanie Rawlings-Blake

With much of the country in an uproar over police brutality, Baltimore’s Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake says law enforcement must be sensitive to the demographics of its community.


Fred Rotondaro

Fred Rotondaro, one of our regular commentators, has some harsh words for Democrats who ran away from President Obama and says the party needs to establish a new brand.


Charlie Rangel

Bill Press and his guest, veteran congressman and civil right advocate Charlie Rangel of New York.


Jim Hightower

The Benghazi investigation – a zombie that won't die.