Privacy expert Peter Singer on Internet security, Democratic strategist Ed Kilgore on progressive values messaging, and Bill Press interviews Congresswoman Gwen Moore.


Internet Explorer and AOL are the latest institutions hacked by computer villains. Privacy expert Peter Singer tells us how to protect ourselves. Democratic strategist Ed Kilgore advises progressives to talk less about programs and more about values. And Bill Press interviews Wisconsin Congresswoman Gwen Moore.


Peter Singer

With Internet Explorer and AOL the latest victims of hacking, privacy expert Peter Singer reveals the biggest threat – our own ignorance.


Ed Kilgore

Ed Kilgore is a Democratic strategist whose message is fairly straightforward: Talk less about government programs and more about values.


Gwen Moore

Bill Press and his guests, Congresswoman Gwen Moore and the National Journal’s Matt Vasilagambros.


Jim Hightower

Some Congress critters deserve a permanent vacation.