Peter Galbraith speculates on Putin’s role on the world stage. Professor Sandra Hanson re-examines the American Dream. And Bill Press interviews Politico’s Manu Raju.


Former ambassador Peter Galbraith says Vladimir Putin wants to be player on the world stage? Will it be as a good guy or a bad guy? Professor Sandra Hanson suggests the American Dream may be changing – toward values rather than wealth. And Bill Press interviews Politico’s Manu Raju about Lindsey Graham’s resurgence.


Peter Galbraith

Foreign policy expert Peter Galbraith says Vladimir Putin might be more cooperative if he wants to be a player in world affairs. He also says President Obama’s response to the Russians is sophisticated and nuanced.


Sandra Hanson

The American Dream is not the same for all Americans, and Professor Sandra Hanson says it may be changing from one of “rags to riches” into one in which values are more important than achieving great wealth.


Manu Raju

Bill Press and his guest, Politico’s Manu Raju.


Jim Hightower

Rick Perry's magic glasses.