Sandra Hanson on the American Dream … Mike Konczal on the fallacy of voluntarism …and Bill Press with his guest, Congressman Mark Pocan.



How has the shrinking of the middle class changed the American Dream? Professor Sandra Hanson says the dream is now more spiritual than material. Economic analyst Mike Konczal points out that when conservatives say we should go back to before the New Deal when private sector charity took care of the poor … they are misinformed. It was never that way. And Bill Press talks about House Republicans and LGBT issues with Representative Mark Pocan.



Sandra Hanson

Catholic University Professor Sandra Hanson has been looking into the American Dream, and as we approach the annual celebration of American independence, she says we need that dream even more when times are tough.

Mike Konczal

When Republicans talk about the good old days when voluntary organizations, like churches and charities, took care of the poor, they are fantasizing a society that never existed. Roosevelt Institute research fellow Mike Konczal explains the fallacy of voluntarism.


Mark Pocan

Bill Press and his guest, Congressman Mark Pocan discuss House Republicans and LGBT issues.


Jim Hightower

The militarization of "Officer Friendly".