Cashin on  replacing affirmative action … Hibbing on the genetic basis of politics … and Bill Press with his guest, Kentucky Congressman John Yarmuth.


A new college class has graduated, and succeeding ones may have a different racial composition. Law professor Sheryll Cashin says if affirmative action is out, then use a college applicant’s social status to determine admissions. If a conservative stopped listening to Fox News, would she change her views? No, says political scientist John Hibbing, who contends our politics are knitted into our DNA. And Bill Press talks with Congressman John Yarmuth of Kentucky.

Sheryll Cashin

Sheryll Cashin is an African-American law professor at Georgetown University. She makes the case in a new book that it is “place, not race” that should be used in determining college admissions.

John Hibbing

Professor John Hibbing has studied politics and people’s brains. He says people can sometimes change their views based on evidence, but mostly we voters are responding, in part, to genetics – how we are programmed to see the world.

John Yarmuth

Bill Press and his guest, Kentucky Congressman John Yarmuth.

Jim Hightower


The NRA ducks a shot of common sense.