Economist Gordon Lafer on the GOP and the Supreme Court’s war on workers …  author Harvey Kaye on the legacy of FDR’s “Four Freedoms” and Bill Press with steelworkers president Leo Gerard


The Supreme Court has just struck another blow against unions, and economist Gordon Lafer traces the Republican war on workers. Historian Harvey Kaye has written a book about FDR’s “Four Freedoms” and how they propelled us through the Depression and World War II. But he says Democrats have let them fall into disuse. And Bill Press talks with Steelworkers President Leo Gerard about  the Supreme Court’s “baloney” decision encouraging workers to freeload off of unions.


Gordon Lafer

Professor Gordon Lafer says the Republican war on workers is most intense in battleground states where the Koch Brothers are spending money and is targeting government employees, just like the Supreme Court just did.


Harvey Kaye

Historian Harvey Kaye has written a book on the legacy of FDR’s “Four Freedoms” and says we need a march on Washington to demand their fulfillment.


Leo Gerard

Bill Press talks with Steelworkers President Leo Gerard about  the Supreme Court’s “baloney” decision encouraging workers to freeload off of unions.


Jim Hightower

Time for "We the People" to re-declare our independence.