Religion is on the menu today with theologian James Skillen, activist nun Simone Campbell and a Bill Press interview with Debbie Wasserman Schultz on the Hobby Lobby case.


With all the furor over the Supreme Court’s injection of religion into public policy, we hear from theologian James Skillen about the true nature of this country’s spiritual foundation. And activist nun Simone Campbell reveals what she would ask Pope Francis, if she could. Finally, Bill Press interviews Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Hobby Lobby and impeachment.


James Skillen

The Supreme Court’s exemption for Hobby Lobby from Obamacare and the justice’s incredible decision about contraception makes this is a good time to hear from an actual theologian – Professor James Skillen -- about the true role of faith in American politics.


Simone Campbell

Activist nun Simone Campbell says the Catholic movement for economic justice is well within the teachings of the Church. And she reveals what she would ask Pope Francis.


Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Bill Press interviews DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Hobby Lobby and impeachment.


Jim Hightower

Lifting America up by raising the wage floor.