Protecting our vote.  The battle against gerrymandering.  Standing up for the voting rights of young people. Plus, how not to manage a crisis. Bill Press with Politico reporter Dan Diamond.


Making the case for fair maps and fair elections. Fighting back against the effort to suppress young voters. Plus, an in-depth conversation about Donald Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. 


Dan Vicuna

Through his work at Common Cause, Dan Vicuna is at the forefront of the fight against partisan gerrymandering and unfair redistricting. And as the 2020 Census moves ahead, that fight is more important now than ever.


Benjamin Barber

Voter Suppression has a long history in the American south. Writer Benjamin Barber says that for young voters in the South today, that history lives on.


Dan Diamond

Deny and delay. Assessing Donald Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. Bill Press talks  with Politico reporter Dan Diamond. If you'd like to hear the entire interview, visit


Jim Hightower

How social distancing can bring us together.