Building the Progressive Movement. Filling the slate with working class candidates. A grassroots strategy for democratic victories. Plus  Bill Press with a leading national pollster on crisis politics and what American voters want now.


Randy “Ironstache” Bryce on why we need more working people in Congress. Tori Taylor on the Swing Left campaign to restore democracy up and down the ballot. Plus Bill Press with pollster Peter Hart on what Americans want in the midst of a crisis.

Randy Bryce

Former iron worker and congressional candidate Randy Bryce is on a mission - to recruit and support working-class congressional candidates. He says  working people bring a powerful and much needed voice to politics.


Tori Taylor

Flipping the Senate, the White House and key state legislatures by empowering volunteers everywhere to  win critical elections. That’s the goal of Swing Left. Chief Political Officer Tori Taylor describes their innovative strategy to mobilize a movement for maximum impact.

Peter Hart

A national mood of fear and uncertainty and what that means for politics. Bill Press talks with Democratic pollster Peter Hart. If you'd like to hear the entire interview, visit

Jim Hightower

Pessimism is the stealth enemy of progressivism