Building the progressive vision. Stopping the war on immigrants. Demanding the right to vote. Plus Bill Press on how to defeat the NRA.


Laying out a positive, progressive vision on immigration policy. Plus, the long history of voter suppression in America and how to fight back. And Bill Press talks with author Igor Volsky about building a future with fewer guns.


Tom Jawetz

As President Trump continues his attack on immigrants and American values, the role of Democrats in Congress couldn’t be more important. With a deep history in immigration law and policy, Tom Jawetz outlines the priorities  for an immigration system that truly lives up to our nation’s ideals and actually works.


Allan Lichtman

Allan Lichtman has spent four decades fighting for the right to vote.  His latest book is a sweeping history of voter suppression in America that begins with the founding of our nation.


Igor Volsky

Bill Press with author Igor Volsky on his radical argument for the gun control movement our country desperately needs.


Jim Hightower

Where is AI driving us?